Wednesday, 21 February 6pm – 9pm EST
Online – Zoom, delivered by the Sail Canada Judges Sub-Committee
Cost – $20.00
The aim of practice protests is to gain experience in handling protests from all sides. Experienced lead judges will assist and guide the participants through the process including giving and gathering evidence, controlling the parties, exploring the relevant rules and their application, isolating facts and coming to conclusions. Multiple break-out rooms will allow for small group sizes and plenty of opportunity to participate in and learn from the sessions.
Some of the best judges in the country will be on hand to lend their wisdom and thoughts, answer questions and explain the inner workings of the rules and the processes. These practice protests count as experience for judge qualifications, are a great way to learn how things work and allows participants to explore the details that can be rushed over in a real protest.
This session will be delivered in English. Questions can be answered in French.