Join the Race Committee


Join the Race Committee Team! Was designed by the US SAILING Race Management Committee.

In a continuing effort to help interested people become members of a race committee, Sail Canada requested and received permission to create a Canadian edition of this popular US SAILING booklet. The procedures described in this booklet are based on the Racing Rules of Sailing which are updated every four years after the Olympics.

Most books on this subject are somewhat intimidating. This booklet was designed to be simple and easy to understand.

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Join the Race Committee Team! Was designed by the US SAILING Race Management Committee.

In a continuing effort to help interested people become members of a race committee, Sail Canada requested and received permission to create a Canadian edition of this popular US SAILING booklet. The procedures described in this booklet are based on the Racing Rules of Sailing which are updated every four years after the Olympics.

Most books on this subject are somewhat intimidating. This booklet was designed to be simple and easy to understand.