Learning Facilitators


Learning Facilitator Clinic
Dates: February 17-20, 2024
Location: Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Victoria, B.C.

If you are interested in taking part in the Learning Facilitator clinic, please complete the application form and submit to your Provincial Sailing Association (PSA) prior to January 15, 2024.

Deadline for provinces to submit candidates to Sail Canada: January 22, 2024.

Click here to download the candidate eligibility criteria.

Click here to download the application form.

* This clinic is subject to change base or be canceled based on lack of candidates.

Learning Facilitator Clinic
Dates: April 27-30
Location: Buffalo Canoe Club

If you are interested in taking part in the Learning Facilitator clinic, please complete the application form and submit to your Provincial Sailing Association (PSA) prior to January 31, 2024.

Deadline for provinces to submit candidates to Sail Canada: February 22, 2024.

Click here to download the candidate eligibility criteria.

Click here to download the application form.

* This clinic is subject to change base or be canceled based on lack of candidates.

Call for Course Conductors
Sail Canada is accepting applications for course conductors for the National Learning Facilitator Clinic.

Interested Master Learning Facilitators and Subject Matter Experts are encouraged to apply by providing a cover letter and a sailing resume to Sail Canada (sam@sailing.ca).

Cover letter must include:
Your unique qualifications, experience and area(s) of expertise relevant to the National Learning Facilitator Clinic.

Sailing resume must include:
Instructing and coaching experience, sailing experience, current qualifications and LF / MLF experience, or experience related to a specific subject matter.

Course conductors will be selected based on qualifications, experience and CANSail program knowledge; as well as region, in order to provide regional representation (East, Central & West) amongst the leadership team for the clinic.

CanSAIL Learning Facilitator Recertification
Recertification for CANSail Learning Facilitators is completed through application.
The certification period for CANSail Dinghy Instructors, Coaches and Learning Facilitators is 4 years to the end of the calendar year. For example, if you completed your clinic in May 2020, your level would expire on December 31st, 2024. Please check your Sail Canada profile to confirm your expiry date.
LF / MLF Recertification Policy
LF / MLF Recertification Application