Fleets team up for one-design open house at RVYC

One design keelboat racing has a legion of devoted enthusiasts and a bunch of them are gathering on June 14 to expose as many sailors as possible to their fleets. Dragons, Martin 242s, VX1s and Elliot 6ms will be at the dock at Royal Vancouver Yacht Club on June 14 and visitors can jump on for the experience. Details >

This isn’t a discover sailing event, RVYC Fleet Captain, Fred Stearman, explains. The idea is to share the excitement of boat-for-boat racing and promote one design fleets in the Vancouver area with people who already sail in the region. Sailors from all over the area are invited to the central location at RVYC where they will also get to check out the clubs IC37 boat and crew prepping for NYYC Invitational – a kind of super one-design.

Showcasing fleets is the way to get active sailors involved and the fleets are eager to be involved. “It would be great for it to be an annual event!” says Adrienne Mennell, RVYC M242 Fleet Captain.