ILCA Vikings tough it out in Gimli

On the weekend of June 14, the Viking Cup & Breadbasket Championship was held at the Gimli YC and was scheduled as that last qualifier for the Manitoba Games to be held in Dauphin, August 11-17 . Planned as a weekend of races, 35 sailors from the C420, 29er and...

Put Chester on Your Calendar

Chester Race Week is one of those events you always want to put on your calendar. With a long history and competitive classes, sailors flock to small town Chester for the four-day racing spectacle; which is of course, accompanied by lively post racing socials, in true...

Starting Strategy & Tactics

With Dave Dellenbaugh The start of any sailboat race is a critical moment that will have a big effect on your potential success in that event. If you get off the line cleanly with clear air and good speed, heading toward the favored side, you’ve made a great first...