Successful YOTS in the East Coast

The Sail Canada Youth Olympic Trial Seminar took place this weekend in Nova Scotia. The event saw 37 sailors from all Atlantic provinces in the Radials, Lasers, 29er, i420 and windsurf.  The weekend saw great sailing conditions and outstanding coaching from former...
Tom Ramshaw attends the 2020 Finn European Championships

Tom Ramshaw attends the 2020 Finn European Championships

Racing at the 2020 Finn European Championships started today In Gdynia, Poland. The Event includes 6 days of racing in the Gulf of Gdansk.    This is the first major event that Tom Ramshaw, from the Canadian Sailing Team, and most of the 42 athletes will be...
Tom Ramshaw finishes 6th at Kieler Woche

Tom Ramshaw finishes 6th at Kieler Woche

The famous Keil week wrapped up yesterday in Germany. The four day event saw some various conditions, allowing sailors to complete all scheduled races. With the effects of COVID, the event only saw one of our Canadian Sailing Team member, Tom Ramshaw in attendance....
The Canadian Sailing Team & Development Squad is back to training

The Canadian Sailing Team & Development Squad is back to training

The Sail Canada High Performance department is happy to announce that the Canadian Sailing Team (CST) and Development Squad (CSDS) is back training on a limited basis. Working with our provincial partners, Own the Podium (OTP), Canadian Olympic Committee (COC), and...

Sail Canada Unveils National Data Analytics Program for Athletes

As part of Sail Canada’s efforts to produce consistent world-class sailors we are proud to announce a new data analytics program that will track, monitor, and produce objective reports as a means to identify athlete development and performance, and system gaps at...