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Find the perfect program for you:

Looking to get out on the water with nothing but the power of the wind?

Sometimes all you need is a ride down the water and enjoy the thrill of a powerboat.

For those seeking the lifetime skill of sailing on larger boats.
Looking to get out on the water with nothing but the power of the wind? We have the perfect programs for you, from single-handed boats to navigating with a crew, let us teach you.

- Introductory program for all ages and abilities. These single and double-handed boats will allow you to learn the basics of sailing, all while training you for success.
- Develop your skills & build your experience

- Windsurfing is a surface water sport that combines elements of surfing and sailing.
- Learn to develop skills on a board
- Establish basic racing and freestyle skills

- Learn to live and enjoy life aboard
- Feel confident setting out for day sails and overnight cruises
- Develop basic and intermediate sailing skills

- For persons with a disability
- Establish basic sailing skills & build your experience
Sometimes all we need is a ride down the water and enjoy the thrill of a powerboat. While safety is always a priority we offer you the ability to get your Pleasure Craft Operator Card all while teaching you the basic skills and regulations of waterways.

Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC)
- Transport Canada’s requirement for all boaters
- Find out how to get your card through Sail Canada
- If you’ve lost your card, we can replace it!

- Learn how to safely operate a powerboat
- Develop basic powerboating skills; inboard and outboard motors
- Learn how to safely operate a power vessel

- Basic Coastal Navigation
- Intermediate Coastal Navigation
- Advanced Navigation
- Celestial Navigation